Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What's all this Hoopla & Hootenanny About?

 I'm so happy you've stopped by my page! I know I have given brief descriptions about this blog on my "About" tab a well as on my info on the side table. However, I will give another introduction :)
    The point of this seemingly pointless (but fun and awesome) blog is to showcase a different holiday everyday; because I believe that we should have something to celebrate every day of the year! So instead of having just another boring Tuesday, ho-hum Thursday, or whatever Saturday, you can find something different and interesting to celebrate. I will add some activities or ideas for ways to enjoy the different types of things we will be holiday-ing about! Also, I will be posting about the next day's "holiday" so that you know what's happening before the day. So I will recap and you can look on the post the day before so you know what's going on, and then read about what will be happening the following day. Make sense? I hope so!
    So what do "hoopla" and "hootenanny" mean? 


     So now you get it. It's gonna be a Hoopla&Hootenanny everyday! Let's go :)

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